Summer 2022

Sunset Mountain is a member-only facility. Members can bring guests pursuant to our guest policy but, generally speaking, shooting is not open to the general public. We do, however, have a number of organized events that are.

In accordance with our Guest Policy, sanctioned events are open to members of the public. Non-Member participants must fill out the Guest Waiver form and have it initialed by the Shoot Director so that we are in compliance with our club’s insurance requirements.

So what’s on tap for this summer?

Pistol League

Summer Pistol League has begun as of May 25th starting off with two weeks of practice. If you didn’t make the first week, don’t worry. It is not too late to join in!

After one more practice session (June 1st), we will begin the official season on Wednesday, June 8th. As long as the weather cooperates, we will meet weekly every Wednesday with our matches starting at 6:00 PM. If needed, as second line will follow (probably around 6:45 PM). Cost is a $10 registration fee for the season plus $4.00 per match.

Long Range Rifle Match

The next Long Range Match will be held on Sunday, June 5th. Firing begins at 9:30 AM, so shooters should plan to arrive by 9:00 AM to prepare.

This is a course of fire from benches shooting targets at 100, 200, 300, and 500 yards. All levels of experience are welcomed and this is an opportunity just to try out long range shooting or to get advice and assistance from experienced hands.

Pin Shoot

If you missed the first one, June 11th will provide you with a second chance to participate in a Pin Shoot. All ranges will be closed from 9:00 AM until Noon while participants compete to shoot five bowling pins off of a table is as short a time as possible. This is a great way to test your composure once the heart gets pumping.

The outdoor ranges will reopen for club members once all the equipment is cleared from down range.

Youth Shoot

The trials of the last couple of years have put our Youth Shooting Program on hold but this popular event will return to Sunset Mountain Fish and Game starting Sunday, June 12th.

The program begins at 9:00 AM and provides instruction in the safe handling and use of many types of firearms. We start with a short classroom session stressing the safe handling of firearms. Hands-on shooting takes place outside giving youth the opportunity to shoot club-supplied rifles, shotguns, muzzle loaders, and handguns in a one-on-one, coached environment. Afterward, participants will learn basic firearms cleaning and then enjoy a BBQ lunch.

A parent or guardian must be on site with the youth participant. Youth should be no older than eighteen but old enough to handle firearms and understand range safety (generally at least 8 years old). Ammunition is provided by the club and all necessary equipment will also be available. Eye and ear protection are required while on the range. You may bring your own or use ours.

There is NO COST for this event.

First-time participants are requested to arrive by 8:45 AM to complete the required paperwork.

Members are reminded that the indoor range is closed from 8:30 AM until noon while the clubhouse is in use. The firing line is covered so this event is rain or shine.

June Member Meeting

Our monthly member meeting will be held, as always, on the second Monday of the month at 7:00 PM. This is Monday, June 13th for those who don’t have a calendar handy.

For some years now, we have had a waiting list for new members. This year, after inviting new members during our March Meeting, there remained additional openings within our membership cap. When we meet in June, we will consider additional applications for those remaining openings. Prospective members who have submitted requests for membership should attend and follow the instructions that our membership officer has provided for them.

Shotgun Tournament

Last but not least is our monthly Shotgun Tournament, to be held on Sunday, June 26th starting at 10:00 AM.

Participants should plan to arrive a little early, especially if you haven’t shot before. Everyone should bring eye and ear protection, a shotgun with 60 or so rounds of ammo, $8, and a sense of humor.

The Tournaments will continue each month all year, assuming we don’t have extreme weather conditions.

Common Sense

With all emergency health orders having been lifted, we have returned to our pre-2020 policy for public participation in our sanctioned events. The outdoor venue allows plenty of opportunity for participants to keep their distance as matches individual comfort levels. If you feel that wearing a mask is appropriate, please feel free to bring and wear one. Please use common sense and respect those around you.

If you are not feeling well, please DO NOT show up that day.

Again, all non-member participants must fill out the Guest Waiver form and have it initialed by the Shoot Director.

2 Responses

    • Please see the instructions on the website and on the back of our membership application form. New members are generally accepted in March, once we see how many of our current members have renewed. The sooner you submit your paperwork, the better chance you have of earning one of the empty spots.

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