The Shotgun Shoot typically takes place on the last Sunday of every month, weather permitting.

With club events suspended, no events were held March through June. However, on Sunday, 26 July 2020, we will resume the Monthly Shotgun Tournament.

Shooting starts at 10 am, in order for that to happen participants need to arrive early to sign in

Participants should bring eye and ear protection, a shotgun with 60 or so rounds of ammo, $10, and a sense of humor.

The event will be organized to facilitate sufficient distance between competitors, equipment operators, and those waiting for their turn. Masks are at the discretion of the participants. Please bring one if you need one.

If you are not feeling well, Please, DO NOT show up to shoot.

As with all club events, participation is currently be limited to Club Members only! NO GUESTS Are Allowed for the immediate future.  Wearing Your Membership Card is REQUIRED!